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DIY CDC-approved face masks

Writer's picture: ShayShay

I used to make fun of people who wore respiratory masks. I thought it was so weird and creepy. Then I ordered some for my family. Then I caught myself wearing one into Sam's Club today. While wearing my blueblocker glasses. And pulling my hands into my sleeves. Next time I will probably even don some latex gloves.

You might not have ordered your own face masks before the price gouging started. Or maybe you couldn't find any. Well now you can make your own.

If you know how to sew, or want to learn by starting with a very basic project, this might be your prime time opportunity!

Check out this article in Forbes about the need for these masks nationwide:

There's a woman at my church who is willing to pick up and deliver respiratory masks to Oahu hospitals, ICUs, etc. If you are willing to donate.

You can use these video instructions and cut-out pattern to craft your own face masks (not talking about yogurt, charcoal or egg whites for once).... and then consider making a few extra to donate!

1. Video tutorial:

2. The pattern (in varying sizes): DOWNLOAD HERE

3. What are the best materials to use for your face mask? FIND OUT HERE

4. ONCE YOU'VE MADE A BUNCH and have extra to donate (bless you for doing this!!)

  • Contact Carol Anne Gordon <> and she can pick it up and deliver to an Oahu hospital (Queens ICU and Straub ICU). Let her know you got her email from my blog.

  • Kuakini - contact Trisha Kehaulani Watson-Sproat <> or text 808-347-2637.

  • Queens is accepting them at emergency. 

Here are a couple of the masks my daughter and I made:

My kids were surprisingly willing to wear the masks I ordered a month ago on Amazon and just arrived yesterday. The coordinating black outfits were completely coincidental.


3 Kommentare

JoAnne Wong Henein
JoAnne Wong Henein
30. Juli 2023

Oh that's where I got this print from!! Still kept it as a historical / heirloom piece ;)

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JoAnne Wong Henein
JoAnne Wong Henein
31. März 2020 -- sobering data!

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JoAnne Wong Henein
JoAnne Wong Henein
31. März 2020

This is SO helpful, Shay! Perfect time to be putting those sewing skills to use! Our family should get a bunch made too! Grocery store ammo, in addition ;-)

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