I know this is a polarizing topic, so I write this post with the intention not of criticizing or creating confusion, but rather wanting to inform and encourage. I happen to be on the side of not using alcohol/anti-bacterial products on my kids, or myself for that matter. This has never really been a big deal, but now with the run on hand sanitizer and well-intentioned parents and kids using it so much, I've had to explain my anti-antibacterial view a few times lately. Please hear me out.
I whole-heartedly believe in the human microbiome. I'm no scientist, but I've heard enough Science Friday with Ira Plato on this topic to know what it is, that it's real and important to our health. The human microbiome is body of micro-organisms that live off of, on and in your organism--your body. This microbiome develops throughout your entire life, but it's primarily critical in your childhood while it's rapidly developing. Your microbiome is made up of good bacteria, fungi, all kinds of microbes, some of which actually attack bacteria and bad guys like viruses. This human microbiome is critical to your health and your ability to fight off disease, illnesses, colds, infection, etc.
When you compromise that human microbiome by not exposing yourself or your kid to the normal germs, dirt, grime, etc. which would build up this army of micro-soliders who fight to keep them healthy, you also compromise the strength of their immune system.
Your skin has a natural protective barrier that contains good AND bad bacteria and a host of other microscopic bodies. When you use antibacterial products, you wipe out the barrier in that spot--good bacteria along with the bad. (Baby...bath water...) We don't want to destroy and throw out the natural protection God has built into our genius design. We need that to guard us against this and all coronaviruses!
And then there are more specific ingredients that have prompted me to avoid using, for example, Bath and Body Works antibacterial hand gels. (Please know that I do not and will not judge you if I see you using one!!!)
Triclosan: contributes to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Linked to disruption of hormone function.
Artificial fragrances: often the ingredients used to make the fragrances contain phthalates and parabens. Both are endocrine disruptors.
Alcohol: The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) toxicity rating of isopropyl alcohol is a 4 on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most toxic. It is a petrochemical that can be absorbed through the skin and through inhaling its vapors. It is a known neurotoxin, meaning toxic to the nervous system. It also dries the skin out. Some research shows toxicity even in low doses when used around the eyes and lips. https://www.virginiahopkinstestkits.com/hand_sanitizers.html
There are non-anti-bacterial hand sanitizers out there that don't contain this harmful stuff, like the lavender one they used to keep outside of Whole Foods. I don't mind using that one at all. But guess what--you can make it yourself and easily! I made a container for each one in our family. You can do the same!

The Recipe
DIY Hand Sanitizer (alcohol-free)
1 oz container (squeeze bottle or spray bottle)
1 Tbsp aloe vera gel (alcohol-free kine)
1 Tbsp alcohol-free witch hazel
1 vitamin E capsule
30 drops tea tree oil
10 drops lavender EO
Use only in the situations where you cannot get to a sink to wash your hands. Shake well first. Do the normal 20 seconds of rubbing your hands together vigorously all over. No need to rinse off...because if you could do that then you should be washing your hands with regular soap and water.
I sincerely hope everyone is staying healthy, safe, and practicing a social distancing for the sake of our larger community. If you're not yet on lockdown, please use wisdom and discretion in deciding what to leave the house for, what to cancel if you're in that position. Always consider who you could be putting at risk--whether that's yourself, your ‘ohana or others. Stay well and keep your immune system as strong as it can be. Here's a bonus recipe for that:
Daily immunity boost
juice of one lemon
2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
sweetener of choice
3 cups ice water
Kudos to you for this ever-timely hack & exhortations for the greater good :) Beautiful recipe!