I heard it from the horse's mouth: my dental hygienist. She said, and I quote, "Evidenced-based research shows that the single most effective toothpaste you can use is BAKING SODA." She said when she couldn't do teeth whiteners anymore, she started brushing with baking soda and HER TEETH HAVE NEVER BEEN WHITER. I studied her smile for a solid second and decided YES. I will switch to baking soda TODAY. I've been brushing with it ever since.
It does take a few times to get used to the taste. It's like powdery salt with no sweetness whatsoever. If you can handle the taste, it's totally worth it. When you rinse your mouth out with water afterwards, the water actually tastes sweet. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.
How to do it:
Get a good quality baking soda (not the orange Arm & Hammer box).
Put it in an easy to use container. I use an empty supplement jar--wide mouth, easy to open.
Wet your toothbrush, tap out the excess water.
Dip the bristles into the baking soda. It will stick to the brush.
Go to town on your teeth! No need too much pressure, because baking soda is a natural abrasive.
